Supporting Adults find Balance

Are you a strong, independent, sensitive, creative, and self-reflective person and find yourself stressed and overwhelmed daily unable to enjoy the beautiful life you’ve created?

Do you find yourself on edge and distrustful of relationships due to trauma in your past, yet would like to feel more connected in your relationships? Do you find yourself longing to feel more more calm, relaxed, and present? Do you desire to believe in yourself and your abilities and feel more balance within your life but find your inner critic is a harsh judge? 

If this feels familiar, not to worry, we get it because we’ve lived it. The beauty of therapy in the animal environment is that animals and nature are safe, trusting, and non-judgmental. They can sense when we need some extra comfort and gently point out and hold us accountable for our emotional, thought, and relational patterns. When we show up as our true selves, the animals want to authentically connect and offer profound learning regarding how we show up in the world and in our relationships.

Therapy in the animal and natural environment paired with slowing down, attuning nervous systems, and exploring somatic and mindfulness tools allows you to experience deep nervous system regulation, quieting your mind, and increasing your brain-body connection thus unwinding stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Client’s leave sessions feeling seen, heard, and understood and noticing a deep sense of calm and peace within themselves. This place of presence opens the door to greater curiosity, creativity, connection, and clarity about one’s self, others, and the world. 

We help adults grow in these areas:



What You Can Expect


Awareness: Healing starts with awareness of your external landscape of sensory awareness and internal landscape of feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations.

Intention: We define intention is the energetic feeling you put into something you want to bring forward in your life without attachment to the outcome. 

Balance: Being a highly sensitive person is a gift but also brings its challenges, we will support you in finding balance in your sensitive soul. 

Empowerment: As you embody these qualities, you will begin to experience an increased sense of agency and empowerment in your life.